
Houston is one the largest and most rapidly growing metro regions in the U.S. and regional gross product has been growing faster than most of the largest metro regions. However, its rate of postsecondary attainment trails the national average for metro regions. 在美国最大的20座地铁中.S., Houston ranks 19th in educational attainment. Because higher education completion rates in Houston area colleges and universities slightly lag behind the national average, the trend of change does not appear positive and slow growth in postsecondary attainment threatens economic growth in the region.

另一方面, postsecondary participation in Houston is on the increase; colleges have expanded their reach and enrollment has grown rapidly. If institutions can now increase their completion rates, they can drive significant increases in overall attainment rates in the region.

休斯顿GPS is an integrated system of cohesive, interdependent strategies that are designed to increase and accelerate student completion and smooth two-year to four-year college transfer while improving educational quality for Houston area students.


  • 学生没有毕业
  • 学生们花的时间太多了
  • 拿太多学分
  • 花太多钱


  • 可怜的选择
  • 没有课程
  • 多余的信用
  • 失去了转移
  • 不必要的学分


  • 默认路径
    • Structured, default pathways – students need permission to take courses not on their schedule
  • 明智的选择
    • 关于职业和机会的信息
    • Uses high school performance and other measures to recommend meta-majors
  • Meta-Majors
    • Broad clusters of majors (STEM, Social Sciences, Liberal Arts, Business, 等.)
    • 数学与元专业一致
    • 帮助 students narrow their study to a major
  • 学术地图
    • Semester-by-semester academic map of the sequential, prescriptive schedule of classes
  • 里程碑式的课程
    • Prerequisite courses are designated for each semester
    • College must guarantee the courses are available
  • 侵入性的建议
    • 学生 must see their advisors before registering for classes if:
      • 他们没有完成里程碑式的课程
      • 落后两门或两门以上课程
      • 有一个2.本学期GPA不超过0分
  • 并修课程补救


  • Goal is to improve student success between universities
  • 更高的毕业率
  • 更多全日制毕业生
  • 缩小成就差距
  • 更少的信用损失-节省时间和金钱


  • 提供及时的, 结构化, and seamless pathway for students transferring from Gulf Coast-Houston area community colleges to Houston area universities.
  • 提高中学后学历, and increase completion and successful transfer rates in the Houston region.
  • Build a culture of timely graduation that will save everyone time and money, 最重要的是我们的学生.

The 休斯顿大学 is leading the initiative in a collaborative partnership with the following four and two year institutions:



支持合作伙伴: 完成美国大学

成立于2009年, 完成美国大学 is a national nonprofit with a single mission: to work with states to significantly increase the number of Americans with quality career certificates or college degrees and to close attainment gaps for traditionally underrepresented populations.

Working with national consultants and practitioner experts, CCA is helping to build capacity to develop and implement guided pathway reforms across each participating college. The project will support a series of “scaling institutes” to train faculty/staff teams from the institutions to establish Guided Pathways to Success at scale on their campuses. Under the guidance of the institutional team leaders, teams also will work on crosscutting issues that impact GPS strategies (e.g., 教师参与, 转移的政策, 绩效管理, 登记, 侵入式电子通知, 等.).